B - Base |
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
B0934.5 | 9" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B - Base |
- Flush Toe with Roman Arch Shape not available on 12" wide cabinet
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
B1234.5 | 12" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B1534.5 | 15" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B1834.5 | 18" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B2134.5 | 21" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B2434.5 | 24" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B - Base w/Butt Doors |
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
B2434.5BD | 24" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B2734.5BD | 27" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B3034.5BD | 30" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B3334.5BD | 33" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B3634.5BD | 36" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B - Base w/Butt Doors and 2 Drawers |
- Drawer fronts will not line up with doors in center
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
B3034.5BD2D | 30" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B3334.5BD2D | 33" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B3634.5BD2D | 36" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B - Base |
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
B2734.5 | 27" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B - Base |
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
B3034.5 | 30" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B3334.5 | 33" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B3634.5 | 36" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B3934.5 | 39" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B4234.5 | 42" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B4534.5 | 45" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B4834.5 | 48" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BS - Base Sink |
- False drawer front
- No drawer parts or shelf with sink units
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BS2434.5 | 24" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BS - Base Sink w/Butt Doors |
- False drawer front
- No drawer parts or shelf with sink units
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BS2434.5BD | 24" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BS2734.5BD | 27" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BS3034.5BD | 30" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BS3334.5BD | 33" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BS3634.5BD | 36" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BS - Base Sink |
- False drawer front
- No drawer parts or shelf with sink units
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BS2734.5 | 27" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BS - Base Sink |
- False drawer front
- No drawer parts or shelf with sink units
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BS3034.5 | 30" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BS3334.5 | 33" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BS3634.5 | 36" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BS3934.5 | 39" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BS4234.5 | 42" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BS4534.5 | 45" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BS4834.5 | 48" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BFD - Base Full Door |
- Flush Toe with Roman Arch Shape and Shaped Top Rail not available on 12" wide cabinet
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BFD1234.5 | 12" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BFD1534.5 | 15" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BFD1834.5 | 18" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BFD2134.5 | 21" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BFD2434.5 | 24" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BFD - Base Full Door w/Butt Doors |
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BFD2434.5BD | 24" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BFD2734.5BD | 27" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BFD3034.5BD | 30" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BFD3334.5BD | 33" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BFD3634.5BD | 36" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BFD - Base Full Door |
- 36”, 39”, 42”, 45” and 48” available in 27” depth - $50.00 per cabinet
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BFD2734.5 | 27" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BFD3034.5 | 30" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BFD3334.5 | 33" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BFD3634.5 | 36" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BFD3934.5 | 39" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BFD4234.5 | 42" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BFD4534.5 | 45" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BFD4834.5 | 48" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B2D - Base Two Drawer |
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
B2D1234.5 | 12" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B2D1534.5 | 15" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B2D1834.5 | 18" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B2D2134.5 | 21" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B2D2434.5 | 24" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B2D2734.5 | 27" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B2D3034.5 | 30" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B2D3334.5 | 33" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B2D3634.5 | 38" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B2D3934.5 | 39" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B3D - Base Three Drawer |
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
B3D1234.5 | 12" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B3D1534.5 | 15" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B3D1834.5 | 18" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B3D2134.5 | 21" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B3D2434.5 | 24" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B3D2734.5 | 27" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B3D3034.5 | 30" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B3D3334.5 | 33" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B3D3634.5 | 36" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B3D3934.5 | 39" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B4D - Base Four Drawer |
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
B4D1234.5 | 12" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B4D1534.5 | 15" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B4D1834.5 | 18" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B4D2134.5 | 21" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B4D2434.5 | 24" | 34 ½" | 24" |
B4D2734.5 | 27" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BLS - Base Lazy Susan |
- 18" deep sides used on 30" BLS
- 24" deep sides used on 33" and 36" BLS
- BLS3634.5 minimum entry opening
width required is 35” doorways,
hallways, etc.)
- BLS3034.5 or BLS3334.5 can be used where entry opening widths are limited
- Optional loose toe platform is available with BLS3634.5– $20.00
- 30" and 36" units require 36" of wall space. 33" unit requires 33" of wall space
- Optional kidney Rev-A-Shelf Susan available
- Optional Soss hinges available (2100061A)
- Shelf standard
- 30" and 33" units use a 24" Susan. 36" uses a 32" Susan
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BLS3034.5 | 30" | 34 ½" | 18" |
BLS3334.5 | 33" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BLS3634.5 | 36" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BBC - Base Blind Corner |
- Units are reversible right or left
- For 1-1/4" or 1-3/8" overlays, doors may require custom sizes depending on hardware
- Cabinet can be pulled an additional 2-1/4" beyond recommended space for most hardware
Code | Width | "X" | Minimum Space | Recommended Space |
BBC3634.5 | 27" | 10 ½" | 36" | 37 ½" |
BBC3934.5 | 33" | 13 ½" | 39" | 40 ½" |
BBC4234.5 | 39" | 16 ½" | 42" | 43 ½" |
BBC4534.5 | 45" | 19 ½" | 45" | 46 ½" |
BBC4834.5 | 48" | 21" | 48" | 48" |
BSC - Base Sink Corner |
- Minimum entry opening width required is 35" (doorways, hallways, etc.)
- Optional loose toe platform is available – $20.00
- False drawer front
- Optional shelf available. Order part # SH0117 - 34-1/8" x 34-1/8"
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BSC3634.5 | 36" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BCFD - Base Corner Full Door |
- Minimum entry opening width required is 35" (doorways, hallways, etc.)
- Optional loose toe platform is available – $20.00
- Shelf standard
- Optional 32" round Rev-A-Shelf Susan available
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BCFD3634.5 | 36" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BCC - Base Corner Concave |
- Craftsman line only
- Door requires 10 days lead-time
- Radius 12-3/8" on face of front frame
- Optional 32" kidney Rev-A-Shelf Susan available. Susan price - $65.00
- C-lip door uses 12"R
- See Radius Products section of Custom Product Manual for door pricing information
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BCC3634.5 | 36" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BCX - Base Convex |
- Craftsman line only
- Doors require 10 days lead-time
- Radius 23-5/8" on face of front frame
- C-lip doors use 24"R
- See Radius Products section of Custom Product Manual for door pricing information
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BCX2434.5 | 24" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BAE - Base Angle End |
- Two 15" wide openings
- 1-13/16" wide stiles outside
- 1-5/8" wide stiles inside
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BAE2434.5 | 24" | 34 ½" | 24" |
PBOS - Peninsula Base Open Shelf |
- Craftsman line only
- Solid front rail
- 3/4" matching specie doweled plywood construction
- Exposed edges are banded with matching specie veneer
- Hard Maple plywood for Hard and Soft Maple lines
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
PBOS2434.5 | 12" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BOSR(L) - Base Open Shelf Right (or Left) |
- Craftsman line only
- Right shelf shown
- 3/4" matching specie doweled plywood construction
- Exposed edges are banded with matching specie veneer
- Hard Maple plywood for Hard and Soft Maple lines
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BOSL1234.5 | 12" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BOSR1234.5 | 12" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BEAL - Base End Angle Left (or Right) |
- Left shown
- 5/4" thick front frame
- 1-15/16" stile face width
- Flush end available on 12-1/2" deep side, exposed end standard
- Exposed end available on 24" deep side
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BEAL1234.5 | 12" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BEAR1234.5 | 12" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BDE - Base Double Entry |
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BDE2434.5 | 24" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BDE - Base Double Entry w/Butt Doors |
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BDE2434.5BD | 24" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BDE2734.5BD | 27" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BDE3034.5BD | 30" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BDE3634.5BD | 36" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BDE - Base Double Entry |
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BDE2734.5 | 27" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BDE - Base Double Entry |
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BDE3034.5 | 30" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BDE3634.5 | 36" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BDE4234.5 | 42" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BDE4834.5 | 48" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BC3D - Base Combination Three Drawer |
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BC3D2434.5 | 24" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BC3D - Base Combination Three Drawer w/Butt Doors |
- Drawer fronts will not line up with doors in center
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BC3D2434.5BD | 24" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BC3D2734.5BD | 27" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BC3D3034.5BD | 30" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BC3D3334.5BD | 33" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BC3D3634.5BD | 36" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BC3D - Base Combination Three Drawer |
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BC3D2734.5 | 27" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BC3D3034.5 | 30" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BC3D3334.5 | 33" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BC3D3634.5 | 36" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BC4D - Base Combination Four Drawer |
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BC4D3634.5 | 36" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BC4D3934.5 | 39" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BC4D4234.5 | 42" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BC4D4534.5 | 45" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BC4D4834.5 | 48" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BWD - Base Wall Depth |
- Flush Toe with Roman Arch Shape and Shaped Top Rail not available on 12" wide cabinet
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BWD1234.5 | 12" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BWD1534.5 | 15" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BWD1834.5 | 18" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BWD2134.5 | 21" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BWD2434.5 | 24" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BWD - Base Wall Depth w/Butt Doors |
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BWD2434.5BD | 24" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BWD2734.5BD | 27" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BWD3034.5BD | 30" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BWD3334.5BD | 33" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BWD3634.5BD | 36" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BWD - Base Wall Depth |
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BWD2734.5 | 27" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BWD3034.5 | 30" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BWD3334.5 | 33" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BWD3634.5 | 36" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BWD3934.5 | 39" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BWD4234.5 | 42" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BWD4534.5 | 45" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BWD4834.5 | 48" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BUCM - Base Under Cabinet Microwave |
- Top opening height - 15-3/4"
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BUCM2434.5 | 24" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BUCM2734.5 | 27" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BUCM3034.5 | 30" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BIUCM - Built-In Under Counter Microwave |
- Microwave opening is 13" high, width is 6" less than cabinet width
- Microwave opening is trimmable 3" in width and 5" in height
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BIUCM2734.5 | 27" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BIUCM3034.5 | 30" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BIUCM3334.5 | 33" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BIUCM3634.5 | 36" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BR3D - Base Range Three Drawer |
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BR3D3034.5 | 30" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BR3D3634.5 | 36" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BCT - Base Cook Top w/Butt Doors |
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
BCT3034.5BD | 30" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BCT3334.5BD | 33" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BCT3634.5BD | 36" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BCT3934.5BD | 39" | 34 ½" | 24" |
BCT4234.5BD | 42" | 34 ½" | 24" |
ASB - Apron Sink Base |
- Sink bowl opening is 5-1/2" high, width is 6" less than cabinet width
- Sink opening is trimmable 4-1/2” in height and 3” in width
- No shelf with sink units
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
ASB2434.5 | 24" | 34 ½" | 24" |
ASB - Apron Sink Base w/Butt Doors |
- Sink bowl opening is 5-1/2" high, width is 6" less than cabinet width
- Sink opening is trimmable 4-1/2” in height and 3” in width
- No shelf with sink units
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
ASB2434.5BD | 24" | 34 ½" | 24" |
ASB2734.5BD | 27" | 34 ½" | 24" |
ASB3034.5BD | 30" | 34 ½" | 24" |
ASB3334.5BD | 33" | 34 ½" | 24" |
ASB3634.5BD | 36" | 34 ½" | 24" |
ASB - Apron Sink Base |
- Sink bowl opening is 5-1/2" high, width is 6" less than cabinet width
- Sink opening is trimmable 4-1/2” in height and 3” in width
- No shelf with sink units
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
ASB2734.5 | 27" | 34 ½" | 24" |
ASB3034.5 | 30" | 34 ½" | 24" |
ASB3334.5 | 33" | 34 ½" | 24" |
ASB3634.5 | 36" | 34 ½" | 24" |
ASB3934.5 | 39" | 34 ½" | 24" |
ASB4234.5 | 42" | 34 ½" | 24" |
ASB4534.5 | 45" | 34 ½" | 24" |
ASB4834.5 | 48" | 34 ½" | 24" |
WT - Work Table No Drawers |
- Craftsman line only
- Solid wood doweled construction
- No drawer or drawer front
- Top not included
- Work table bead mouldings are available, sold separately
- Available in Cherry, Hard Maple
and Red Oak only
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
WT2434.5 | 24" | 34 ½" | 24" |
WT2734.5 | 27" | 34 ½" | 24" |
WT3034.5 | 30" | 34 ½" | 24" |
WT3334.5 | 33" | 34 ½" | 24" |
WT3634.5 | 36" | 34 ½" | 24" |
WT3934.5 | 39" | 34 ½" | 24" |
WT4234.5 | 42" | 34 ½" | 24" |
WT4534.5 | 45" | 34 ½" | 24" |
WT4834.5 | 48" | 34 ½" | 24" |
WT2434.530 | 24" | 34 ½" | 30" |
WT2734.530 | 27" | 34 ½" | 30" |
WT3034.530 | 30" | 34 ½" | 30" |
WT3334.530 | 33" | 34 ½" | 30" |
WT3634.530 | 36" | 34 ½" | 30" |
WT3934.530 | 39" | 34 ½" | 30" |
WT4234.530 | 42" | 34 ½" | 30" |
WT4534.530 | 45" | 34 ½" | 30" |
WT4834.530 | 48" | 34 ½" | 30" |
WT - Work Table w/One Drawer |
- Craftsman line only
- Solid wood doweled construction
- Top not included
- Work table bead mouldings are available, sold separately
- Available in Cherry, Hard Maple
and Red Oak only
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
WTD2434.5 | 24" | 34 ½" | 24" |
WTD2734.5 | 27" | 34 ½" | 24" |
WTD3034.5 | 30" | 34 ½" | 24" |
WTD3334.5 | 33" | 34 ½" | 24" |
WTD3634.5 | 36" | 34 ½" | 24" |
WTD3934.5 | 39" | 34 ½" | 24" |
WTD4234.5 | 42" | 34 ½" | 24" |
WTD4534.5 | 45" | 34 ½" | 24" |
WTD2434.530 | 24" | 34 ½" | 30" |
WTD2734.530 | 27" | 34 ½" | 30" |
WTD3034.530 | 30" | 34 ½" | 30" |
WTD3334.530 | 33" | 34 ½" | 30" |
WTD3634.530 | 36" | 34 ½" | 30" |
WTD3934.530 | 39" | 34 ½" | 30" |
WTD4234.530 | 42" | 34 ½" | 30" |
WTD4534.530 | 45" | 34 ½" | 30" |
WT - Work Table w/Two Drawers |
- Craftsman line only
- Solid wood doweled construction
- Top not included
- Work table bead mouldings are available, sold separately
- Available in Cherry, Hard Maple
and Red Oak only
Code | Width | Height | Depth |
WT2D3934.5 | 39" | 34 ½" | 24" |
WT2D4234.5 | 42" | 34 ½" | 24" |
WT2D4534.5 | 45" | 34 ½" | 24" |
WT2D4834.5 | 48" | 34 ½" | 24" |
WT2D3934.530 | 39" | 34 ½" | 30" |
WT2D4234.530 | 42" | 34 ½" | 30" |
WT2D4534.530 | 45" | 34 ½" | 30" |
WT2D4834.530 | 48" | 34 ½" | 30" |